
About Us



Sudden Homeschool, Inc is a California nonprofit corporation applying for 501(c)(3) status. Work is dedicated to providing free and low-cost resources to elementary educators worldwide. Materials support remote learning, homeschool, and traditional classroom education.  

We're seeking funding to develop this website and offer more free & subsidized resources. If you can help, please do! 

Philosophical Roots

Child-Centered Education

Sudden Homeschool is influenced by the educational philosophy of progressivism. The progressive education movement started in the late 1800s and continues in many ways today. It recognizes that kids learn through involvement. And so, for example, we see progressive education when kids don’t merely read about seeds, but also plant and tend gardens. 

“Progressive” contrasts with the traditional schooling style that America inherited from Europe, which focused on memorization. Progressive education is more child-centered; it believes that students should learn through projects and other direct experiences. This helps kids feel connected to what they study and thus naturally retain more learning.

This website doesn't claim to have a full curriculum... not by a long shot! But if you SUDDENLY need resources for a smart & engaging lesson that relates to children on their terms, you could be very pleased. 


About the Library

Besides offering original content, SuddenHomeschool.com gives book suggestions via the Treehouse Library. The collection features Newbery Award winners and other books commonly endorsed by U.S. teachers and children's librarians. 

You can sort the children's book suggestions by grade level and other criteria. The descriptions are originals by Sudden Homeschool. Links lead to Amazon, which often has the lowest prices for used books in like-new condition. We also post free read-alouds when permitted by authors and publishers. 

Helping children love to read is one of the best moves parents can make! 

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go."

— Dr. Seuss


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Do you have ideas for educational resources or partnership? Comments on how our worksheets worked out for you? Or want to order custom H5P for education? 
We'd love to hear from you. 

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